Officer Alec Pereyda is a Public Information Officer for the CHP and spent some time with us in the expo at the 2023 Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach. With the Fourth of July holiday coming up and lots of summer road trips, he was able to give us a lot of valuable safe driving tips including what to do if you see those flashing lights behind you. He also shares with us a crazy story about a high-speed pursuit! With a very personable demeanor, he’s perfectly suited to his role with the CHP.  Enjoy!

By Larry Mason

Copyright © 2023 Larry Mason

Officer Alec Pereyda is a Public Information Officer (PIO) for the California Highway Patrol and exemplifies the courtesy and professionalism that CHP is looking for in new recruits. 

Officer Alec Pereyda is dedicated to keeping the roads safe for all drivers and enjoys informing the public about safe driving tips.

Officer Alec Pereyda (PIO) and Sergeant Alejandro Rubio (Public Information & Recruitment Coordinator) were on hand to answer questions and hopefully recruit some new qualified officers for the CHP.

Interview and photos Copyright © by Larry Mason